Parenting Tips for Infants

Positive parenting tips for every parent especially for first time parents who are looking for guidance and advice regarding the upbringing of their little ones.

  • Positive parenting tips for every parent especially for first time parents who are looking for guidance and advice regarding the upbringing of their little ones.
  • Always talk to your baby as they will find your voice calming. When your baby says something, answer them back or repeat the sounds they are making. This will help them learn the language. 
  • Read to your baby as it helps them develop language and sounds.
  • Sing to your baby and play music as it helps with brain development. Praise your baby and give them lots of attention. Cuddle and hold your baby so they can feel safe and secure at all times. Watch signs of being tired or hungry while playing so that you can give them a break.
  • Distract your baby with toys and move them towards safe area when they move or touch things that they should not touch.
  • Parenting is a difficult task so don’t forget to look after yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. When you will feel good about yourself, you will enjoy parenthood and be positive towards your new baby.
Healthy Bodies

  • Breast milk fulfills baby’s nutritional requirements for the first 6 months. After 6 months, your baby will be ready to try and experience new food and taste with healthy solid food.
  • Feed your baby with patience and encourage them to try different foods without forcing them. Look for the signs when baby is hungry.
  • Keep your babies active and let them move around their arms and legs throughout the day. Put them on the floor as it helps them become strong and they learn to explore. 
  • Do not put the baby in the strollers, bouncer seats or swings for a longer period of time.
  • For babies younger than 18 months, limit screen time for them. Other than video chatting, babies must not use screen for any media. 
  • Make sure your child gets the suggested amount of sleep every night, that is 4-12 months infants must get 12–16 hours every day including naps.

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