How To Develop Your Child ‘s Speaking Skills?

Parents play a vital role in helping a child develop speaking skills. Children who are read to and spoken during their early childhood have better vocabulary and grammar. There are some simple ways by which you can nurture baby development language.

Talk as much as you can with your child and narrate through out the day. For instance, tell them it’s time for a bath or let’s go out while taking them out.

Always read to your baby. You can start with simple reading books and then move towards picture books or longer stories for your babies as they get older. Regular story times can help a preschooler develop love for books.

Enjoy music with your little ones as kids love music and movements. Listen to baby rhymes and let your child develop rhythm of languages.
Make up stories with different characters, adventures and happy ending. Make sure you make up stories which your kids like to listen.

If your child is interested in some particular book or character, then follow the lead. If the child is intrigued with boats or cars or kids keep talking about it then get something of their interest. Interact with the baby and ask questions.  

If your child has any problem with speech patterns, do not criticize them. Repeat the statements he made and then correct them with pronunciation and usage of words. Always praise your child for the efforts he makes to speak.

Make careful use of TV and smart devices. As per the American Academy of Pediatrics it is recommended that kids younger than 2 must not watch television and kids older than 2 must watch TV not more than 2 hours during the whole day.

Plan field trips with your kids such as visit an aquarium, zoo or museum. This will open up an entirely new world the kids and as an added bonus they will get to learn new names an experience different creature and explore fascinating activities that will improve speaking skills.

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